Encoders for the automation

Standard products and individual solutions for every requirement
If incremental rotary encoders of AMI Elektronik or linear encoders, drives, components, industrial PCs and other automation solutions of our partner TR-Electronic, all of them provide the optimal basis for the safe and cost-efficient automation of industrial processes in countless applications.
In addition to an enormous range of high-quality standard products, we also offer customer-specific rotary encoders for individual requirements. All products and solutions share the following characteristics: maximum precision, easy to install, long service life and highest cost efficiency.

Rotary encoders with solid shaft
Incremental rotary encoders with different diameters, impulses, solid shafts ...
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Rotary encoders with hollow / blind shafts
Incremental rotary encoders with different diameters, impulses, hollow / blind shafts ...
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Angel rotary encoders
Incremental angel rotary encoders with different diameters, impulses, shafts ...
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Special rotary encoders
Special incremental rotary encoders, customer-specified adjustments in any shape, custom-made products, etc...
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Accessories for encoders
Clamps, flanges, couplings, connectors ...
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Please note:
The specified dimensions, technical data and other information correspond to the manufacturing and knowledge level when preparing the data sheets. They are correct and reliable to the best of our knowledge, but do not constitute a binding assurance of the characteristics. The user of these products must decide on the suitability for the intended use on his own responsibility.
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